Tofu Spring Rolls
Serves: 4-6 Yummy and nutritional! A great lunch or dinner and easy to make. I love ordering spring rolls at the restaurant but always...
Global Vegan Recipes
Serves: 4-6 Yummy and nutritional! A great lunch or dinner and easy to make. I love ordering spring rolls at the restaurant but always...
Serves: 4-6 Highly nutritional, yet you’ll feel like your “cheating” with this grounding and filling dish. No bloating or tiredness,...
Serves: 4-6 This is such a versatile recipe! The family likes to have this on a bun or as a great salad add. Good for a tasty and healthy...
Serves: 4-6 This recipe is so much fun to make! My stepdaughter and I had a blast. Super easy, quick and tasty vegan version of flan. A...
Serves: 4 I’m so excited for this recipe! Back in my college days some insta ramen was a love of mine. SOOOO much sodium and definitely...
This meal is one of our favorites. A traditional meal that my mother used to make but created in a much healthier and nutritional way....
Serves: 4 Scalloped Potatoes brings me back to my childhood! We used to eat scalloped potatoes ALL THE TIME. Of course, when I was a kid,...
This was a follower request, and what a great one! It’s such a tasty and easy meal to make. You can make it spicy or with no spice at...
Great holiday side dish or power lunch! Hearty, grounding and tasty, this is a wonderful alternative to your everyday salad. Needs...
This meal is a great holiday side dish or even an entrée for your everyday. It’s easy, nutritional, crunchy, cheezy and kid approved! You...
This salad is so versatile! Great as a holiday side dish and full of nutrients and beautifying vitamins for your skin. Walnuts keep your...
This is a great Saturday night side dish. A little fancy and easy to make! The batter created is pretty light weight compared to most...
Serves: 2 - 3 I made these one Friday night in need of something nutritional but EASY. This definitely hit the spot for me, and I hope it...
Serves: 4 In my travels to Japan I have always loved grabbing some onigiri, or rice balls. These tasty little guys usually come with a...
Serves: 4 - 6 My sister loves red curry and asked if I could post a red curry recipe. I thought, how can I make this different then...
Serves: 4 - 6 This salad is delicious! Great for lunch, dinner and all seasons. Healthy raw vegetables, filling, and flavorful, you can’t...
Serves 8-10 This comfort food is loved at the dinner table but not always the healthiest. I've created a healthier option that still...
Serves: 4 This is a beautiful and easy meal. I’ve made this many times for date night or just a great family meal together. It’s easy...
Cauliflower Rice is such a nice change from brown rice and quinoa. It’s a great source of fiber and vitamin B. I love Trader Joe’s...
Serves: 3 - 4 This is a really nice change to your traditional pizza. I love the nutty and spicy flavor mix, and of course the added...
Thanks for your interest in Carrot Life. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
- Britney Sones